Amelia Widya Putri, a resident of Semarang, recently shared her positive experience participating in a free nutritious meal program initiated by Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto. She highlighted how the program has had a beneficial impact on the local community by creating new job opportunities for residents. Through the recruitment of neighbors living near the service unit, the program not only addresses the nutritional needs of Indonesian children but also serves as a source of income for those involved. This collaboration extends to local micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), farmers, and breeders, providing a significant boost to the local economy. Amelia expressed her hope that the program will expand to reach more school children in Semarang, emphasizing the importance of ensuring all students in Indonesia have their nutritional needs met. The overarching goal of the program is to contribute to the vision of a prosperous Golden Indonesia by 2045.
“Boost Job Opportunities with Free Nutritious Food Kitchen in Semarang”

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